
Our Vision

As a rheumatologist, we love to help our patients, learn about cutting edge treatment, and challenge our colleagues to learn more. Rheumatology is an exciting and wonderful field, and here at Rheum Doodles we want to add a bit of color and a splash of creativity. At Rheum Doodles we create and compile learning tools, mnemonics, tables, and info-graphics to help learn rheumatology while also having some fun.

Ibtissam Gad, MD is currently a PGY5 in Rheumatology training at Henry Ford Hospital. She loves art and rheumatology and likes to learn with visual aids. She created Rheum Doodles as a fun learning journal for herself, and hopefully a useful learning tool for other aspiring rheumatologists. She started it during her PGY3 year while training for Internal Medicine at Case Western University Hospitals.

Learning points are obtained from Up to Date, American College of Rheumatology, or other reputable resources; however, for patient care please look up the most recent recommendations. The content at Rheum Doodles is only meant for meant for medical education and is not medical advice. Also all learning aids are Dr. Ibtissam Gad's own and do not reflect the opinions of her employers.

The Original Doodles