
These study charts are ones that we developed while learning and studying rheumatology. Thought we can spread the wealth! They are great for studying or as a reference. Hope you find them useful! Please note, for patient care please look up the most recent recommendations. The content at Rheum Doodles is only meant for meant for medical education and is not medical advice. Of note, we are still developing these resources so they may not be complete/fully accurate. 

Medication Master List

Medication Master List

Antigen Associations

Antigen Associations

Medication Indication by Colors

Medication Indication by Colors

Disease Activity Measures

Disease Activity Measures

Untitled spreadsheet

Genetic Links

Medication Safety Checklist

Medication Safety Checklist

Rheumatology Intake Form

Rheumatology Intake Form

Misc Disesae Study Sheet

Misc Disease Sheet

Reccomended Order Sets

Order Sets

Pediatric Study Sheet

Pediatric Study Sheet